Saturday, August 30, 2008

TEACH INDIA - my experiences - part 1

Hi All,
On 26-Aug-2008, at 4pm, I was on my desk in the office. My phone rang and I got a SMS. SMS from TEACH INIDA saying “You have been placed with REAP NGO, your volunteer ID is M-G-----. Please attend orientation meeting on 29-Aug-2008 at 5.4”. It was so fortunate that I got a SMS from TEACH INDIA, but it was unfortunate that it was in-complete. I had wait for sometime to get complete SMS but it did not come. Now what to do? Where to go to attend the meeting, on what time? I was having no idea. So I visited to TEACH INDIA’s official site but I did not get their phone number. What I got from the site is a mail id. I sent an email to that id saying I want full information regarding the orientation meeting. Till 28-Aug-2008, I did not get any response. So I was thinking what to do?
Then one of my friend gave me an idea to visit to REAP’s site and try to get some information from their. I visited to REAP’s site and got a number. I dialed number and got the information what I wanted. HOLI CROSS School, Thane (W) was the venue for meeting. It was scheduled at 6 pm.

To reach to the venue I will have to leave at 4-4:30om office. It was Friday so it would be little bit difficult to leave the office at 4-4:30 pm. But I had decided to go for it since I had been waiting for this opportunity since long time. I left office at 4:30. In the train, I was thinking how many guys would be there? It should not happen I am the only who has come for that meeting. I told to myself lets see what happens. It was 6 pm at Thane station. It would take another 15 mins to reach to the venue. I was late by 15 min. Finally I reached at HOLI CROSS School and was shocked by looking at room where meeting had been started. There was big class-room which can occupy 70-80 guys and it was packed. There were 20-30 guys standing out side. I collected my appointment letter and managed to enter inside the class-room. There was no space to seat or stand, so I had to stand near to the stage.

Fr. Trevor Miranda” was addressing to the volunteers. He is the director of REAP NGO. He was telling about the REAP that “Reach Education Action Programme (REAP) was born out of a need to combat illiteracy and ensure every child is in school. It was started in 1999 with 15 literacy centers and within a short period expanded its network to over 450 centers by 2005 covering more than 10,000 learners. These include children on the street, slums, rag-pickers, child laborers and tribal children. Every year about 3500 children are mainstreamed in formal education. REAP also networks with government schools to upgrade quality education and prevent drop-outs. REAP soon grew into a literacy movement for empowerment. Beginning with adult literacy, awareness programs, human rights, skill training, income generation and currently 100 Self-Help Groups, women are trained to be agents of social change in their community. From being penniless to deciders of their group’s income and marketing is a success story of self reliance and development. “(For more details about REAP, please visit to )

At the end of his speech, he asked everybody to fill the form and give it to him. He also wanted to give TEACH INDIA Badges to everybody who is going to teach to the children. So he requested me to hold BADGE bag and distribute it to everybody once he/she submitted the form. At the time of submission of form he had asked to the volunteer about his/her profile. I was standing with him so could able to listen to the conversation which he had with everybody. There were all kinds of people, few of them were young, few of them were from age range from 30-45, and few of them were retired employees as well. I was amazed by knowing the profile of the volunteers. They were Doctors, Engineers, Teachers, IT consultants, Medical Students, MBA Students, retired employees etc. I felt really good that these guys who are very much busy with their jobs in week-day were not only ready but also keen to teach to the under-privileged children. One guy asked to the Father, “What is the timing of the School?” Father said that 10 AM to 6 PM. He was dam depressed by hearing the timings. He said, “I am the MANAGER of retail operation of ULTRA-TECH and it would be very difficult to get two hrs in office timings. There is no point in taking this responsibility just for the sake of taking it. It is not just about taking classes. It is commitment; commitment towards society. If I do commit something I should adhere to it. “ I was very much impressed by his statement. It shows that how much people are serious towards this program.
One girl asked that “Does REAP provide the material which requires for teaching?” Father said that No, we provide only the children :) . Then she asked what if I bring it to the class. Father said that if you want you can. Somebody asked, “Can I take to the children outside sometime?” Father said, yes, please do. Children will be delighted by such picnics. But you will have to manage everything for that.
After submitting the form everybody was suppose to get his/her classes from the REAP representative. He tried to give suitable location for a class to volunteers so that they can avoid traveling. I got the class in Bhandup (W). I got the number of miss who manages the classes there. I will have to call her and get my class timing. I am really so exited for my first class.
It was really an amazing experience. I could see the lots of guys who were willing to do anything and everything to make this program successful.

I will be taking my classes soon and will keep you updating my experience.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008


One day I was correcting one of my friend’s mistakes in his blog. Then I thought, am I eligible to do this? As I am not good at writing, how can I correct someone’s blog? But then, don’t you think its happening everywhere in day to day life?

Do we expect the umpire in the cricket to be a good batsman, baller or fielder? No, he should know only the rules, nothing else. There are lots of singing competitions happening on television. Not all the judges in that competition are good singers, right? Just take an example of “Indian Idols”. Farah Khan was one of the judges in that show. She is a choreographer/Director and not a singer, she doesn’t know A, B and C of singing. When she speaks you can easily notice her horrible voice. Can you imagine her signing? But still she judged the singing of the participants. Just take another example, we, common man, judge our leaders. Thought not everybody could perform well as a politician if given chance.

My mind always asks a question that whether Judge should be very good at things which he is going to judge? Or we should allow guys like Farah Khan to be judge of singing competition?

Please let me know what is your opinion on the Judgment?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

TEACH INDIA - Let's learn to teach

Hi All,

TEACH INDIA is a nation building initiative from TOI that brings together children in need of education and people who can contribute a little time towards teaching them.

I liked their principle for this initiative. Principle says , "If you have the desire to teach, we will put you in touch with underprivileged children who are willing to learn".

Few days back, I registered myself for volunteer ship and amazed by looking at the responses to this initiative. The weekend batches were already allocated to the volunteers. There was only option for week-days batch. I have registered for Fridays batch but still I am waiting for acknowledgement from TOI. I always wanted to give something back to the society and I feel "TEACH INDIA" is the best opportunity for that.

There are lots of celebrities are also joining TEACH INDIA, few days back AMIR KHAN joined the team as an AMBASSADOR. According to Rahul Kansal, brand director, Times Group, Aamir was selected for his strong sense of ethics for a social cause. “He stands out as credible and honest,” says Priya Gupta, assistant vice-president, brand, The Times of India. The role that Aamir essayed in his last movie, Taare Zameen Par, teaching a dyslexic child and helping mentally challenged children, also went in his favor.

If you want to know more about TEACH INDIA, please visit to the site

-- Let's learn to teach